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时间:2010-06-16 11:22:46  来源:  作者:  查看:

Introducing The Little Book of Kawaii, dedicated to all thi


Introducing The Little Book of Kawaii, dedicated to all things kawaii. This new title will explain the Japanese subculture that has found its way into the designs and hearts of artists and people all over the globe. The book will cover “kawaii noir” the dark and sexy side of this existing subject, as well as food, fashion, toys, characters and pixel art. Through illustration, graphic design and photography, this book shows how this culture has made its impact on our lives.

本书关于kawaii的所有事情。这个书名解释了日本文化已经进入了设计和世界各国艺术家的心里。本书覆盖了“kawaii noir” 黑暗与性感受的一面,以及食品、时尚、玩具、人物和显象艺术。这本书通过插图、绘画设计与摄影展示了文化如何影响我们的生活。

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